The Christmas rush ‘down-under’

Cream-gold potatoes sprouting in a brown paper bag ready for planting out Few folk in the northern hemisphere can fully appreciate the Australian gardener’s dilemma at this time of year; spring plantings are reaching a crescendo in concert with end-of-year pressures such as Christmas and New Year parties, school and University final exams,Christmas shopping pressures and the start of the annual summer holiday season that shuts down businesses and services during the month of January.

Just think Christmas in June, and you’ll have a mere taste of just how hard-pressed gardeners in the southern hemisphere are when it comes to firing up their crops among all these other activities that are thrust upon them!

P1010667So this past weekend was pretty typical  - a movie night on Friday evening with the family, birthday shopping with a grand-daughter on Saturday morning, the engagement celebrations of a nephew on Saturday afternoon, dinner for the newly weds on Saturday evening and again on Sunday evening, and birthday celebrations at Warrawong Sanctuary for the granddaughter on Sunday afternoon.


P1010670Yet the potatoes, climbing beans, and dahlia bulbs got planted out, the celery and capsicums seed trays were re-seeded, more pumpkin seeds got sown, the watering system in the onion and garlic beds got tweaked, the grape-vines and broad-beans got watered, and the lemons got collected and delivered to the local organic coffee shop who use them for cleaning purposes.

Is it any wonder that Mondayitis afflicts Australian gardeners worst than most others?


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